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Gaelscoil Mhainistir Na Corann Cork

Féilire Calendar

April 2025 June 2025
Saturday, 3rd May 2025
Céad Comaoineach R2 (2nd Class Communion)
Wednesday, 7th May 2025
Ranganna Gleacaíochta le NB + NM x3 le múinteoir Maggie (Gymnastics with Junior + Senior Infants x3)
Thursday, 8th May 2025
Juliette ó Breast Aware ar scoil to thuistí @7:00 (Juliette from Breast Aware in school for parents @7:00 )
Scoil dúnta níos luath - Cruinniú Foirne - Naíonáin @ 12.50in & R1-R6 @ 1.00in (School closed earlier due to staff meeting - Infants @12:50pm & 1st - 6th @ 1:00pm)
Monday, 12th May 2025
Cruinniú Cairde sa Halla @ 7.30in (Cairde/Parents Association meeting @7:30 in the halla)
Wednesday, 14th May 2025
Ranganna Gleacaíochta le NB + NM x3 le múinteoir Maggie (Gymnastics with Junior + Senior Infants x3)
Friday, 16th May 2025
Tionól Scoile (School Assembly )
Wednesday, 21st May 2025
Ranganna Gleacaíochta le NB + NM x3 le múinteoir Maggie (Gymnastics with Junior + Senior Infants x3)
Wednesday, 28th May 2025
Ranganna Gleacaíochta le NB + NM x3 le múinteoir Maggie (Gymnastics with Junior + Senior Infants x3)