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Gaelscoil Mhainistir Na Corann Cork

Polasaithe & Doiciméid Policies and Documents

Tá na polasaithe agus na pleananna seo a leanas ar fáil sa scoil. Mas maith le haon tuismitheoir féachaint ar na polasaithe agus pleananna ní gá ach coinne a dhéanamh tríd an oifig. Tá sé beartaithe iad sé a chur suas ar líne diaidh ar ndiaidh de réir mar a bheidh na polasaithe uasdátaithe. 

The following plans and curriculum policies are available in the school. If any parent wishes to view any of these please make an appointment through the office. All plans and policies are drawn up following consultation with the relevant parties and ratification by the Board of Management. It is intended that these be available via the school webpage. Those highlighted in Bold are available on this webpage. 


  1. Athmheascadh Ranganna / Class reconfiguration 
  2. Ag Freagairt ar Theagmhais Chriticiúla/Critical Incident Policy
  3. Cearta Múchadh ón Obair / Right to Disconnect/Switch Off
  4. Cód Iompar /Code of Behaviour
  5. Frith-bhulaíocht/Anti-bullying
  6. Gutháin Póca & Gléasanna Cliste Pearsanta/Mobile Phones & Smart Devices
  7. Leigheas a thabhairt (Riaracháin Cogáis)/Administration of Medicines
  8. Polasaí Iontrála/Enrolment Policy - Féach faoi Rannóg Iontrálacha  / Please go to Admissions Tab
  9. Ráiteas um Chumhdach Leanaí & Measúnú Riosca/ Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment
  10. Taithí Oibre Daltaí Meánscoile & Tríú leibhéal/ Secondary and Third Level Work Experience
  11. Úsáide Inghlactha/ Acceptable Use Policy
  12. Bealach Gearáin an Tuismitheora uasdátaithe / Updated Parental Complaints Procedure
  13. Ráiteas Slándála -  le fáil tríd an oifig/Safety statement - available through the office on appointment
  14. Polasaí um Úsáid Substaintí sa Scoil/Substance abuse
  15. Bia Folláin/Healthy Eating
  16. Obair Bhaile / Homework
  17. O.C.G/R.S.E Relationship and Sexuality Education
  18. Riachtanais Páisti faoi míbhuntáiste/Needs of Disadvantaged Children
  19. Cosaint leanaí/Child Protection
  20. Bainistíocht Inscoile/Inschool Management
  21. Ionduchtúcháin do mhúinteoirí nua-chailithe/Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers
  22. Polasaí Leithris/Toilet Policy
  23. Polasai Féitheoireachta/Supervision Policy
  24. Cumarsáid dearfach do fhoireann na Scoile/Positive Staff Communication
  25. Polasaí Tinrimh/Attendance Policy